
Customer Education Training 2022

Every month we focus on a different theme.

January: Optimization

Look at optimizing images and video.

February: Access Control and Security

How to secure your asset and deliver assets when they are restricted.

March: Vercel Integration

April: Webhooks

May: EXP

Cloudinary Customer Education provided training at an EXP event in New York City.
You can find video from this event in the Training Academy

June: Vercel Integration

September: Transformations

October: Artificial Intelligence

November: Video

December: Migration

Environment Setup

Install Node.js and NPM

You will need to install Node.js on your machine, version 10 or higher. Installing Node.js will also install npm, the package manager for Node.js.

Mac Users

Using Homebrew:

brew install node


Download for windows

Verify Node/NPM install

# verify versions
$ node --version

$ npm --version

Choose an IDE or Use Text Editor

Visual Studio Code WebStorm Sublime Atom iTerm

Download Repository

cust-training-2022 GitHub Repository


  1. Create a free account on Cloudinary at []

  2. Navigate to the Dashboard. Copy the CLOUDINARY_URL into your clipboard.


  1. Create a .env file in the root of the project. Paste the CLOUDINARY_URL environment variable into your .env file.

Run Code: Test Credentials

Npm install Node.js libraries. You will be using the cloudinary and the dotenv libraries.

npm i
node testCredentials.js

You should see your cloud name and API key reported. Keep your API_SECRET a secret!

Run Code: Run code in optimization directory

Example: run image upload script in optimization directory

node optimization/images/upload.js



doctor.jpg Photo by Gustavo Fring:

dolphin.jpg Photo by Daniel Torobekov from Pexels

goldfish.jpg Pixabay

hat.mp4 Video by Polina Tankilevitch from Pexels

killer-whale.jpg Photo by Andre Estevez from Pexels

lionfish.jpg Image by Rudy and Peter Skitterians from Pixabay

koi.jpg Photo by Nika Akin from Pexels

shark.jpg Photo by Vova Krasilnikov from Pexels

turtle.jpg Photo by Richard Segal from Pexels

ski-team.gif Pixabay US Ski Team

vase.jpg Photo by Beyza Efe from Pexels

Photo by Athena:

Photo by Radomir Jordanovic:

Photo by Natalie:

Photo by Faik Akmd:

Photo by Shane Aldendorff:

Photo by Ron Lach :

Photo by Vijay Putra:

Video by Pixabay:
Video by Yaroslav Shuraev:
Video by Adrien JACTA: